Thursday, January 12, 2012

How To Flash A Custom ROM

1. Download your favorite ROM. like Cyanogen 7,CM9, ICS By Jusada or anything else.

2. When u downloaded, Don't extract that .zip File! Put the ROM on your micro SD(Secure Digital) or micro SDHC (Secure Digital High Capacity).

3. Turn your mobile off and start it up with: power on - home. when your screen lights up, release the power on buton. (get down by use the volume up buton and up with volume up. confirm with the home buton). Install zip from SD --> Let It Finish and turn of you phone (Get The battery out)

4. start it up with: power on - home. when your screen lights up, release the power on buton. -->wipe data/factory reset --> wipe cache partition --> advanced --> wipe dalvik cache.

5. Now You Can Install your ROM. Get Back with the Back Buton and Vhoose: Install .zip from SD Card --> Choose zip From SD card --> [Choose your Custom ROM.]

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