Ice Cream Sunday Final
First, thanks to jusada , slaid480 , ketut.kumajaya , chainfire , nims11 , Grif_07 , GadgetCheck , djsky2011 , EmoBoiix3 and many others for all their hard work and time and the files/info.
This thread was first posted on Redflagdeals for canadians using Koodo mobile. Posting it here now with jusada's approval for everyone.

What's different from ICS Final?
Calculator, Calendar/Storage/Provider , Deskclock Widget , Download app , Email (gmail not removed) , FM radio , Gallery 3D ( I use quickpic instead, it is faster) , ICS Theme/Theme Manager/Theme Chooser ,
Media Uploader , Music , Pico TTS/TTS Service
Market 3.4.4 , Turbo Boost 8.5 , gps.conf (see end of thread if you are not canadian) , boot animation (Android Particle Ring Blue) , Dolphin browser mini (stock browser removed) , blackhawk kernel by ketut.kumajaya , build.prop
Iphone ringtone/notification , Root browser free , LagFreeV1 , torch
You can download the removed apps here. To add the ones you want, open and add them in system/app (before installing the rom) :
If you already installed the rom, copy them with root browser to system/app (don't install them, long press on it to see the menu with copy/paste/permissions) , set permissions to rw-r--r-- , reboot the phone.

1. Download The files:
The ROM Without tweaks (Overclocks better? I put the deep sleep build.prop tweaks in this one as well so battery use will be good too, I recommend this one) :
MD5: aa23c332d82476e34c1ab967a93f5ece
The ROM With tweaks (UI feels slower to me, possibly uses less battery): /// /// MD5: 591e70c92c8ee132f5f76423013f9f47
ClockWorkModAce: MD5: 08e4419cfb83fbd4217c5f486778f5e4
recovery-clockwork- MD5: ba3d09df567757081da5dd6e8fb2d0b0
2.Connect your phone to your pc with the USB cable, turn on USB transfer from the phone's status bar.
3.Copy the 3 zip files to your phone's SD card. Safely remove the drive from your pc (lower right corner in windows, eject/unmount in linux or mac).
(If you already have CWM, Skip to step 6) (To navigate in recovery mode, use Volume Up/ down to move up/down , home button to select items, back to go back.)
4.Shutdown the phone. Press Home and hold it, press power until your phone is on and let go of power, let go of home when you are in recovery, install from your SD card.
5.Reboot, go in to recovery, install
6.Reboot, go in to recovery, wipe data/factory reset , go in mounts and storage ; format /system ,
press back ; go in advanced ; wipe dalvik cache, press back, go to install zip from sdcard, choose
press back, reboot system now.
(Don't worry if you get a sd-ext error, it's because your sd card doesn't have a 2nd partition).
Setting it up:
Skip Set up your google account(no internet connection, we will do it later). Press next ( I unticked the location options, up to you if you want or not).
Go in Settings,
Wireless & Networks:
Turn on and set up wifi / bluetooth if you use them.
Mobile networks : Turn off Data enabled if you don't use mobile data.
If you use data go in : Access Point Names:
(for canadians with koodo)
Push on the Telus SP text (not the circle),
Name: Koodo SP ; APN: ; Proxy: ; Port: 80 ; Username/Password/Server are blank ; MMSC: ; leave the rest like it is.
Press Back and push the circle.
CyanogenMod Settings:
Input: Haptic feedback tweaks ; Untick Haptic feedback main if you don't like it ( saves battery too )
Interface: Status bar tweaks: Battery style "percentage" ; Tick Compact carrier label ; Tick Status bar brightness if you want it (change brightness by sliding finger on it)
Press back , go down to Overscroll effect , push on none.
Performance: Tick 16 bit transparency, Allow Purging of assets.
Sound: Mute camera shutter
Screen preferences: Untick Wallpaper Scrolling
Drawer Settings: Go down and untick: Animated Drawer, Fade app labels
General Behavior: Untick Sense previews
System Preferences: Scrolling cache "Low quality"
UI Settings: Main Dock Style (I usually set it to 5 and add market, browser, phone, camera )
Animation: No animations
Screen timeout: 30 seconds
Location & Security:
Untick Use GPS Satellites
Applications: Tick Unknown Sources
Development: Untick USB debugging notify , Tick Stop app via long-press.
Accounts & Settings:
Add your google account. (now that we have an internet connection)
Disable Auto-sync if you want to save some battery (add the power widget to the desktop and setting the wifi turns on / off sync if you don't want it to work on 3g).
Reboot the phone.
Install SetCPU from the market or from the official thread :
(use Root browser and go to sdcard to install the apk)
Run SetCPU and click Autodetect Speeds. Allow Superuser.
Tick Set on boot.
Go to Profiles, tick enable / notifications.
Add profiles:
Profile 1: In call: Min 122880 , Max 787200 , Scaling conservative , Priority 100
Profile 2: Screen off: Min 122880 , Max 122880 , Scaling powersave , priority 90
Profile 3: Charging: Min 245760 , Max 825600 (set higher if you want, depends on the phone, I set it to 902400, your phone might reboot) , Scaling ondemand , Priority 80
Profile 4: Battery: 50%: Min 122880 , Max 787200 , Scaling conservative , priority 70 (remove this profile if you care more about performance)
Profile 5: Battery: 101%: Min 122880 Max 806400 (set higher for more performance and less battery life) , Scaling ondemand (set to conservative if you want to save more battery) , priority 60
(Set min CPU speed to 245mhz to fix wake up lag, uses more battery however.)
Add different/more profiles if you want, these are the ones I use.
Install Quickpic from the market (faster than Gallery)
You can add the power control widget to your screen to turn on wifi ( and you can set it to turn on / off sync ) and flashlight / etc. I use this instead of the status bar one (which you can disable in Cyanogenmod settings).
If you want different wallpapers / ringtones go to or install their app from the market. Or in dolphin browser there is a speed dial link for wallpapers.
If you use an alternate keyboard, after you set it up, delete Latinime.apk/odex and UserDictionaryProvider.apk/odex from system/app with root browser.
For gps.conf , go to , on the right it says Active Servers , click on your region , write down the first 2 servers (example : , ) , click on your country , write down 1 of the servers (example server ).
Go to system/etc with root browser , open it with text editor ( long press and scroll down ) , change the servers with the ones you wrote down. Save and reboot.
secgps.conf (faster gps lock) : ; Copy secgps.conf in the zip file to your SDcard, then copy it to /data/gps/ with root browser (press your finger on it for a few seconds to see the copy and permissions option) , change persmissions to rw-r--r--
Live wallpapers : ; Copy LivewallpapersPicker.apk to system/app with root browser , set permissions to rw-r--r--
Google Maps 5.8 (doesn't lag or crash, don't update it to the newer one) : ; Copy to google maps 5.8.apk to system/app with root browser , set permissions to rw-r--r--
Adobe Flash : ; Extract and copy to SD and install as a normal app with Root browser.
How to Calibrate your battery ; guide by Hiroshirou :
1. (phone on) charge to 100% until it actually says full in settings > about phone > status > battery status
2. unplug charger and turn off phone
3. (phone off) plug charger in until it charges to 100%
4. unplug charger and power it on
5. (phone on) plug the charger in and charge it to 100%
6. unplug charger and reboot phone to recovery (into cwm5)
7. go to advanced and clear battery stats.
8. turn on the the phone and charge it to 100% - DONE!
How to use link2sd (install apps to sd card):
Insert your SD card into your pc's SD card reader.
Format it with minitool partition wizard (gparted with linux) , make a primary (not logical) partition fat32 use everything but 500MB , make the 2nd partition primary and ext3 using the rest of the 500mb.
Put the SD card in the phone. Install link2sd from the market, open it and choose the ext3 option, set it to move apps automatically in the options.
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